Relevant Coffee

Coffee Shops & BistrosFoodRestaurants & Specialty Dining
7am-5pm Daily
Driving Directions:
From I-5 head West on Mill Plain. Turn Right (North) on Main Street. Proceed 2 blocks on Main to 17th Street. Relevant is located on the NE corner. Metered + 2hr Visitor parking surrounds building.
About Us
Relevant Coffee is a hospitality company that serves exceptional single-origin coffees, roasted and hand crafted on site by a team of friendly baristas. We operate a busy neighborhood cafe that is a connection point for members of the community, a coffee roastery that serves wholesale business-to-business clients, and Vancouver's only state of the art Cold Brew Coffee production facility.
We're a human-centered business with the goal of becoming Vancouver's trusted resource for all things coffee.
