Jamii Pae Consulting LLC

Business Consultants
9:00 - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday, available virtually or on-site!
About Us
Jamii Pae Consulting is a minority and woman-owned firm that partners with organizations to reimagine people and business strategies to build equitable and inclusive spaces by:
1) providing strategic assessment and consultation services to leaders looking to transform organizational culture, improve hiring and retention outcomes, and deepen client and community partnerships by implementing sustainable diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) strategies;
2) developing customized inclusive leadership coaching and experiential learning opportunities for individuals on various DEIB topics to provide leaders, employees, and volunteers with the tools to authentically foster cultures of belonging;
3) auditing policies and procedures through an equity and inclusion lens for organizations seeking to increase employee, volunteer, and client satisfaction and retention; and
4) conducting independent workplace investigations into allegations of discrimination, bullying, and incivility as a licensed independent investigator (PI License 604676907 001 001)