Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!
Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!
As a Father of three, I don’t think I’ve read truer statements. 😊
The fact of the matter is, none of us would be here if not for our Mother. For those of us whose Mothers are no longer with us, I hope, like me, you are comforted by your fondest memories with your Mother. If Mom is still with you, make sure to treat her extra special this Sunday!
Whether your Mother was biological, adopted, or invited into your life circumstantially, the lessons we learned from these special people are the lessons that stay with us for life. Take the time this weekend to remember yours and recognize the Mother of your children - don’t forget that she deserves a hug as well!
Grow The 360: $20,000 Already Sold to Shop in Clark County
Don’t worry - there's still time to buy Mom a gift. And, while supplies last you can get TWICE as much for Mom! If you haven't already, purchase your Grow The 360 Gift Certificates NOW while funds are still available in the Buy One Get One Promotion! You were going to shop local anyway, why don't you gift local while you're at it - all purchases of a Grow The 360 Gift Certificate will be matched in $10 increments up to $100 an order, to be spent at different local shops in Clark County! So, Mom will be able to get exactly what she wanted! It’s a win-win. Buy BOGO: VancouverUSA.com/GrowThe360
View the Growing List of Participating Merchants, here!
If you aren't listed as a Participating Merchant yet, what are you waiting for? Through the end of August, there is NO COST or fee to accept Grow The 360 Gift Certificates – plus it’s added marketing for your business as your Company’s name will be printed with each of the Grow The 360 Gift Certificates. Sign up here using the invitation code, ‘VANCOUVER’.
In case you missed it, check out Grow The 360 included in the City of Vancouver's Celebration of Small Businesses featuring an interview with Vice President of the Chamber, Janet Kenefsky recorded this morning: https://youtu.be/-fVa3UEo9A0
Safe By Summer – Starting Monday, May 10
Many of us have been restricted from being with our Moms because of the pandemic. Well a group of business owners and managers are working diligently on a campaign to get us to a point where we no longer need to be isolated from those we love. The key is vaccinations. On Monday, May 10 go to safebysummer.com for more information, downloadable posters and to take the pledge to get us to 80% vaccinated by Summer.
Vaccination Tax Credit Information: Webinar on the COVID-19 Vaccination Tax Credit
Available here, is the White House fact sheet discussed during the event.
2021 Legislative Review Livestream – Friday, May 21
The Greater Vancouver Chamber (GVC), the Columbia River Economic Development Council (CREDC), and Identity Clark County (ICC) will host the 2021 Legislative Review, virtually, on Friday, May 21 presented by NW Natural. This morning event will host nine Senators and Representatives from the 17th, 18th, and 49th Legislative Districts to dissect the latest legislative session and allocation of State and Capital Funding. Pre-register for the virtual event, here.
Questions for the Legislators: During the event, there will be a live Q&A Session featuring all legislators on-screen. Submit Your Questions Here: https://yourchamber.typeform.com/to/qVhKX4fa
Questions are submitted anonymously. Submitted questions are not guaranteed to be answered during the event.
And with that, Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there. And to all the children of mothers, give yours an extra special hug this Sunday – even if it needs to be virtual.
John McDonagh
Greater Vancouver Chamber