Great Western Malting Company

Operates 24/7/365. Administrative Hours: M-F 8:00AM - 5:00PM excluding US holidays
Driving Directions:
I-5 Exit 1-C, WA501/Mill Plain Blvd
Head West on Mill Plain Blvd, Continue approx. 2 miles
Turn left at the Port of Vancouver Sign
All visitors to register with Port Security and must have appt.
About Us
It’s no coincidence that the Pacific Northwest produces some of the world’s most highly regarded beer and whiskey the place is built for barley. Our cool climate and bountiful water supply are ideal for growing high quality crops. It’s why Great Western Malting sources its malting barley from our local growers in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.
Those unique, local flavors we enjoy so much? They start with the world-leading quality of regional barley, which boasts an acceptance rate of up to 95% with our brewing clients.
We work side-by-side with passionate local brewers and distillers to take that fine raw product and turn malt into award-winning beer and spirits.
So, yes – we take great pride in being an integral part of such an innovative local industry.
Through our farmer network, Great Western Malting utilizes 15.4 million bushels (740 million pounds) of malting barley each year. That’s more than 250 square miles of Northwest barley, every year.
And the malting process has a beneficial side-effect for agricultural production, generating more than 10,000mt of by-product pellets, shipped by 640 trucks to dairies, feed lots and farmers across our region.
Our base and specialty products are used by thousands of brewers and distillers in North America and around the world. The Pacific Northwest is a key part of a supply and manufacturing chain that pours 2.8 billion cold pints of beer each year – that equates to 350 million gallons, which would fill 530 Olympic-sized swimming pools!
It’s a local community success story on a global scale