Clark Regional Wastewater District

8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday (excluding national holidays)
Driving Directions:
From I-5, Take the 78th Street Exit #4, head East along NE 78th Street for 2.2 miles.
Turn left (North) onto 52nd Court. The District Office is on your left.
About Us
Clark Regional Wastewater District is one of the largest sewer districts in the state of Washington and is accredited by the American Public Works Association (APWA). In 2005, we were the first special purpose district in North America to receive APWA accreditation. The District provides customer focused, professional wastewater services to more than 81,000 people. Since 1958 the District has consistently served the community, providing reliable service in an environmentally and financially responsible manner. The District has a proud history of responding to the growing and changing needs of the community. In the last 20 years alone, the District’s customer base has nearly doubled.