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Clark College Foundation

Clark College Foundation

EducationNonprofit Organizations

About Us

Clark College Foundation (CCF) is an independent, self-funded and self-governed nonprofit that partners with Clark College through philanthropy and asset investment. The foundation was established on July 25, 1973 as a 501(c)(3) organization.

Each year, we award $1.3 million in scholarships, special awards and financial support to hundreds of students. In all, the foundation contributes an average of $3.5 million annually to the college for scholarship, program and capital support.

Since its inception, Clark College Foundation has provided Clark College with more than $83 million in college-related support. Clark College Foundation’s endowment market value is top 5 in the nation for public community colleges according to the Council for Aid to Education, 2016.

Clark College Foundation is recognized by our peers as one of the top education fundraising shops in the nation. In 2020, we received two prestigious national educational fundraising awards for overall performance and improvement from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).

For the past two years (2021, 2020), we have been the recipient of the Bronze Anvil Commendation from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). We won awards from PRSA’s Oregon chapter in 2021 and 2020 (merits) and 2019 (Spotlight).

Video Media


2021-2022 Clark College's Outstanding & Rising Star alumni
 Each year, Clark College Foundation awards $1.3 million in scholarships, special awards and financial support to hundreds of students.
 Clark College Foundation's donors, like Jerry Smith, are passionate about supporting Clark students.
 Clark College's Bakery and Professional Pastry Arts is a fantastic venue for book signings for local authors.
CEO Calen Ouellette and Clark President Karin Edwards share funny moments and serious college priorities marking a path forward for the community college during a campus conversation
 More than 100 cherry trees at Clark College were donated by the late John Kageyama, former president of America Kotobuki Electronics
Clark College is the prettiest campus in SW Washington
Clark College's Japanese garden is a quiet place to rest.
Dental hygiene is one of Clark's most popular programs.
PenguinsGive is one special day of giving to Clark College Foundation.

Rep/Contact Info

Cristhian Canseco Juarez
Board Trustee
Brittanie Castrey
Executive Associate to CEO & Foundation Board of Directors
Corey Dobbs
Associate Director, Data Management & Analytics
Lynne Groom
Director of Annual Giving
Dion Gutkind
Gift Entry and Records Manager
Michelle Harrington
Accounting Manager
Vivian Manning-Cheadle
Director of Development & Gift Planning
Kristina Martin
Director of Stewardship
View Personal Bio
Calen Ouellette
CEO/Chief Advancement Officer
Andy Palmquist
Director of Strategic Initiatives
Dan Palow
Associate Vice President, Advancement Operations
Chris Plamondon
Nick Poindexter
Associate VP of External Relations
Shirley Schwartz
Senior Director of Scholarships & Foundation Programming
Justin Stokes
Associate Director of Development and Partner Engagement
Angela Torretta
Associate Vice President, Development