Rainier Springs Behavioral Health Hospital

Hospitals & Clinics
24 Hour a Day - 7 Days a Week - 365 Days a Year
Driving Directions:
Conveniently located in the Salmon Creek area of Vancouver, WA just off I205 and I5
About Us
We Provide Adults (18 and over) with:
Inpatient psychiatric stabilization and medical detox services as well as partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs for mental wellness and sober living.
Our Vision:
Rainier Springs will transform the delivery of behavioral health services and solve the largest healthcare challenge of our generation, the lack of access to quality care for mental illness and addiction. We will:
* Engage with patients, families, employees, communities, healthcare providers, and health insurers to increase access to behavioral healthcare
* Provide a continuum of care that delivers the right care, in the right place, at the right time, at the right cost
* Partner to integrate behavioral and medical healthcare to improve the health of populations and reduce the per capita cost of healthcare
* Be nationally known for providing high quality, consistent, evidence-based, and innovative care
* Decrease suicide rates, decrease addiction-related deaths, reverse the decline in life expectancy, and improve productivity
* Destigmatize mental illness and addiction, which are conditions that transcend race, gender, age, and socioeconomic class
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